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US oil production 385 thousand barrels per day

                          US oil production 385 thousand barrels per day


Goldman Sachs said the number of US crude oil rigs fell by 33 last week, extending excavator modest decline for the second week in a row.

And contributed to the growing shale extraction of crude oil in the United States decline in market prices of crude oil in June between June 2014 and the beginning of the current year, as prices plunged by more than half.
But infill go down this year with the erosion of profit margins due to low prices, a slowing effect that began with rising US crude prices about 15 percent from the very low levels recorded in January to about $ 50.

Goldman said, "the growth of US oil production will reach 385 thousand barrels per day on an annual basis by the fourth quarter of 2015."

The bank said "the current number of rigs ... refers to the slowdown in the US production growth to near the level needed in our appreciation to balance the oil market" when the current low prices paid sufficient number of producers to reduce investment and production.

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