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Date of oil

                                                  Date of oil

It was drilled the first oil well in China in the fourth century or so ago. The oil is burned to vaporize the brine to produce salt. By the tenth century, it was used bamboo pipes to connect the pipes to the sources of salt water.
In the eighth century, it is paving new roads in Baghdad using bitumen, which used to be brought from candidacies oil in this region. In the ninth century, it began oil fields in Baku, Azerbaijan's oil production economical manner for the first time. It was these fields are drilling for oil, has been described by the geographical Masudi in the tenth century, and also Marco Polo in the thirteenth century AD, who described the oil out of these wells, saying they like the hundreds of cargo ships. See also the Islamic civilization.
                                                  Oil fields in California in 1938          

It starts the modern history of oil in 1853, the discovery of oil distillation process. It was distilled oil and kerosene on him to get to know Ignace Lukasiewicz, a Polish scientist. It was the first rock oil mine is created in the Purbka, near Krosno in southern Poland, and the next year was to build the first refinery (in fact distillation) in Aollazofiz was also through Lukasiewicz. These discoveries have spread quickly in the world, and the Mirzov built the first distillery in Russia in natural oil field in Baku in 1861.

In addition to what has been mentioned, by the year 1910 has been large oil fields in Canada, the East Indies, Iran, Venezuela, Mexico discovery, was their development of industrial exploitation.
However, even in 1955 coal was months fuels in the world, oil and began to take his place afterwards. After the 1973 energy crisis and the 1979 energy crisis, governments focused on media coverage of power supply. Resorted countries such as Germany and France to electrical energy production by nuclear reactors, so that 70% of electricity production in France has become nuclear, Stakeholders. The energy crisis also led to shed light on that oil is a limited resource and can be implemented, at least as a source of economic energy. At present, the most common expectations alarming in terms of the limited stockpile of oil in the world. The future of fuel oil remains controversial. According to the news in the United States the year (2004) that there is the equivalent of 40 years of the use of oil in the ground. Some may argue that the amount of oil that are limited. Others argue that the technology will continue in the production of cheap hydrocarbons and that the earth has a huge estimator of unconventional oil stocks on the oil sands and bitumen fields body, my baby oil and this will allow the continued use of oil a large period of time.

And it started the American oil industry Edwin Drake's discovery of oil in 1859, near Titusville - Pennsylvania. The slow growth of the industry somewhat in the eighteenth century. It was governed by the requirements Ltd kerosene and oil lamps. And it becomes a matter of national interest at the beginning of the twentieth century when the invention of the internal combustion engines leading to increased industry demand for oil in general. Continuous consumption has exhausted the first discoveries in America in Pennsylvania and Ontario, which led to the "oil crisis" in Texas, Oklahoma and California.

Today about 90% of the automotive fuel needs are met by oil. Oil accounts for almost 40% of total energy consumption in the United States, but it constitutes only about 2% in the generation of electricity. And the value of the oil lies in the possibility of being transferred, and the large amount of energy in it, which are the source of most of the vehicles, and as the base of many industrial chemicals, making it one of the most important commodities in the world. The access to oil the cause of many of the military conflicts, including World War II, Iraq and Iran war. And almost 80% of world oil reserves exist in the Middle East, and approximately 62.5% of it in five countries: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Kuwait, Iran. While America has only 3%.

Crude oil declined with the rise of the dollar

                          Crude oil declined with the rise of the dollar

Futures for crude oil prices fell today on Friday, 06/03/2015 at the end of a volatile trading as the dollar rose on speculation to raise US interest rates in the near term after strong data on non-farm payrolls in the United States, which overshadowed the impact of concerns about supplies in Libya and Iraq .
By the end of trading, the futures price for Brent crude oil settled down 75 cents or 1.24 percent to $ 59.73 a barrel.
The price fell US crude West Texas Intermediate settled at US $ 1.15 or 2.27 percent to $ 49.61 a barrel.
Showed acceleration of the rate of employment in the United States in February, data and unemployment rate fell to 5.5 percent in the signs may encourage the Federal Reserve (the US central bank) to consider raising interest rates as soon than expected.

The rise of the US currency makes dollar-denominated oil, which is being circulated by the higher cost to the holders of the euro and other currencies. And jumped the dollar to its highest level in 11 years and a half against the basket of major currencies after US government data showed a decline in the unemployment rate in the United States to its lowest level in six years, many Fed officials and Ncef.oary that the central bank may decide to raise interest rates in June.
The US Labor Department on Friday that the number of jobs in non-agricultural sectors increased 295 thousand jobs last month after rising 239 thousand, according to data adjusted in January. The unemployment rate of 5.7 percent in January. Economists had forecast in a Reuters poll rise in the number of jobs in the US non-farm payrolls 240 thousand jobs in February, while expecting the arrival of the unemployment rate to 5.6 percent.


Brent Oil

                                                             Brent Oil


Oil et Brent est une classification de négoce de pétrole brut léger, qui est une combinaison de la diversité extrait du pétrole brut de la mer du Nord. Le critère de base du prix mondial du pétrole brut, et constituent près des deux tiers du marché mondial du pétrole brut.
Brent - sur la base des premières lettres des noms dans chaque domaine de champs de pétrole:


Et elle est liée à la fixation des prix de la plupart de la production de pétrole en provenance de l'Europe, l'Afrique, le Moyen-Orient, venant de l'ouest et des flux, le prix du Brent. Il convient de noter que les principaux pays en Europe importe actuellement la production de pétrole en provenance de Russ

Il ya beaucoup de facteurs qui influent sur l'huile brute négociation de prix,:
Les lois de l'offre et de la demande, qui prévoit que chaque fois que la demande pour une substance donnée a augmenté, plus le prix d'achat.
Nouvelles du monde.
Et même au cours de la journée. Vous pouvez voir une grande différence dans le prix de négoce de pétrole à l'autre, il est très important d'être conscient des fortes fluctuations du prix avant que l'huile de négociation
Il ya d'autres facteurs qui influent sur le prix moyen du pétrole voudrais également des tableaux et la date d'achat frais de motifs, mais la combinaison de tous ces facteurs est la raison de fortes fluctuations entre les métiers.

Brent Oil

                                                             Brent Oil


Oil et Brent est une classification de négoce de pétrole brut léger, qui est une combinaison de la diversité extrait du pétrole brut de la mer du Nord. Le critère de base du prix mondial du pétrole brut, et constituent près des deux tiers du marché mondial du pétrole brut.
Brent - sur la base des premières lettres des noms dans chaque domaine de champs de pétrole:


Et elle est liée à la fixation des prix de la plupart de la production de pétrole en provenance de l'Europe, l'Afrique, le Moyen-Orient, venant de l'ouest et des flux, le prix du Brent. Il convient de noter que les principaux pays en Europe importe actuellement la production de pétrole en provenance de Russ

Il ya beaucoup de facteurs qui influent sur l'huile brute négociation de prix,:
Les lois de l'offre et de la demande, qui prévoit que chaque fois que la demande pour une substance donnée a augmenté, plus le prix d'achat.
Nouvelles du monde.
Et même au cours de la journée. Vous pouvez voir une grande différence dans le prix de négoce de pétrole à l'autre, il est très important d'être conscient des fortes fluctuations du prix avant que l'huile de négociation
Il ya d'autres facteurs qui influent sur le prix moyen du pétrole voudrais également des tableaux et la date d'achat frais de motifs, mais la combinaison de tous ces facteurs est la raison de fortes fluctuations entre les métiers.

Oil deals

                                                            Oil deals


Deal for the purchase of 100 barrels of oil (Brent British) is equivalent to (1 Lot), croaker is a unit that is measured by the quantity of each business tool, the oil-1 lot equals 100 barrels of oil.
 Been buying when the market price of $ 90 a barrel.

Value of the deal:

110 $ X 100 = $ 11.000

 This is the real market price of the deal.

 Since the value of the margin requirement is 1% (financial lever at 1: 100)

You need $ 110 to open the deal instead of $ 11,000

1000 deal to buy a barrel of US crude oil, equivalent to 10 Lott.
Been buying when the market price of $ 75.

Value of the deal:

$ 75 X 1000 = $ 75.000

 Since the value of the margin requirement is 1% (financial lever at 1: 100),

You need to $ 750 to open the deal instead of $ 75,000

Crude oil declined with the rise of the dollar

                          Crude oil declined with the rise of the dollar

Futures for crude oil prices fell today on Friday, 06/03/2015 at the end of a volatile trading as the dollar rose on speculation to raise US interest rates in the near term after strong data on non-farm payrolls in the United States, which overshadowed the impact of concerns about supplies in Libya and Iraq .
By the end of trading, the futures price for Brent crude oil settled down 75 cents or 1.24 percent to $ 59.73 a barrel.
The price fell US crude West Texas Intermediate settled at US $ 1.15 or 2.27 percent to $ 49.61 a barrel.
Showed acceleration of the rate of employment in the United States in February, data and unemployment rate fell to 5.5 percent in the signs may encourage the Federal Reserve (the US central bank) to consider raising interest rates as soon than expected.

The rise of the US currency makes dollar-denominated oil, which is being circulated by the higher cost to the holders of the euro and other currencies. And jumped the dollar to its highest level in 11 years and a half against the basket of major currencies after US government data showed a decline in the unemployment rate in the United States to its lowest level in six years, many Fed officials and Ncef.oary that the central bank may decide to raise interest rates in June.
The US Labor Department on Friday that the number of jobs in non-agricultural sectors increased 295 thousand jobs last month after rising 239 thousand, according to data adjusted in January. The unemployment rate of 5.7 percent in January. Economists had forecast in a Reuters poll rise in the number of jobs in the US non-farm payrolls 240 thousand jobs in February, while expecting the arrival of the unemployment rate to 5.6 percent.





Kahil or oil or tar, and it is also called crude oil, or black gold, oil literary as a term, is a thick liquid, flammable, Black tends to greenness, found in the upper layer of the earth's crust. Oil and consists of a complex mixture of hydrocarbons, especially alkanes precious series of chemically, but differs in appearance, composition and purity strongly according to place extracted. It is a source of important primary energy sources, according to the statistics of the world's energy. But the world burn and exploited in the electric power and operate factories and moving production, transportation and operation of the engines of the stomach and in the movement of electrical energy that can be generated in other ways to provide human burn this valuable material is chemically produced. Oil is the raw material for many chemical products, including fertilizers, pesticides, plastics and many of the plastic chips and tubes and nylon fabrics, artificial silk and synthetic leather tools and medicines.
The largest consumer of oil in the world where the United States alone consumes about a quarter of global production estimated at 80 million barrels per day. It consumes 4% of the Earth's population 25% of global oil production [1]. According to the curve of the US production until 2005, the absolute peak was exceeded in 1975, where he arrived 5 and 9 million barrels per day, and down since then gradually history until he reached 4-5 million barrels per day in 2005. Today we can say that America depends on oil imports by 75% enough for him to need amounting to 21 million barrels per day (compare US production in Hubert) summit theory.
The second half of the year in 2014 and 2015, a glut of supply of crude oil in the market, which led to the decline in oil prices significantly during the year 2015 to reach the lowest level in six years, which will significantly impact on the budgets of countries that rely on oil to cover expenses such as Venezuela, which actively seeks to adopt a collective decision to cut oil production, especially from members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting worldwide. [1]And it refused to Alsaudihoha largest oil producer within OPEC continuously cut its oil production and confirmed that it continues to output the same rates in order to maintain their market share.

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